Every day LinkedIn connects many professionals all over the world. But not all connection requests are readily accepted.
A customized message can help to create more links. This article presents some sample LinkedIn connection requests.
With professional networking, it is usual to approach different types of contacts. But in each case, the goal is to create a link that will boost your profile and help to further your career.
In general, most reach out to people that they already know or would like to meet.
The request message should quickly inform contacts who you are. It should also tell them why they should join your business network.
They may not recognize the name at first, so the connection request can remind them how you know each other.
New contacts are more likely to consider a request if they know the reason behind it. It is also helpful to explain how you found them.
This article provides some suggestions for creating a personalized message. It also supplies sample LinkedIn connection requests.
Keys to Effective LinkedIn Connection Requests

It is easy to lose an impersonal connection request among the many notifications received every day. People will pay more attention to messages that speak to them personally.
First, it’s necessary to understand the connection categories and how to find new links. Then it’s possible to start exploring the scope of the networking options.
Types of connections
LinkedIn classifies connections into 3 categories.
- 1st-degree connections include contacts that are already part of your network.
- 2nd-degree connections are platform users connected to your 1st-degree connections.
- 3rd-degree connections refer to users linked to your 2nd-degree connections.
Start by identifying the type of contact you are trying to create. Then think of the best way to approach them and prepare a customized invitation.
Message rules
Before beginning to write, here are 3 general rules to keep in mind:
1. A personalized message gets more attention than a default invitation. People are more likely to accept a request from someone they have met or worked with before.
Having a mutual connection in common can also improve the chances. It is often beneficial to mention any shared interests.
2. First, establish the reason for the request, then present the offer.
Create a personal greeting and mention how you found them or why you chose to approach them. Once the context for the relationship is set, proceed with the proposition.
3. Explain how they will benefit from creating a connection with you.
Now focus on the content of the customized request. These are the keys to creating an effective invitation:
- Use their personal name. Whether they will continue reading or not depends on the greeting and opening words.
- Explain why you're contacting them. It could be that something on their profile attracted your attention. Or the request may be for professional advice.
- If there is a shared interest, make sure to mention it. This helps to establish common ground and a personal connection.
- Clarify how you found them. Maybe they shared an interesting post or worked on the same project in the past. They may even be a member of the same group.
- Talk about them, not yourself.
- Focus on which professional experience on their profile drew your interest. Acknowledge their achievements and successful projects.
- Automated messages don't work. No one wants to be one of many.
- Be polite and keep it professional. Use correct grammar and spelling. It's important to always show respect.
- Speak clearly and to the point. Try to be brief, don't waste their time.
- Explain why it would be good to have them in your professional network.
- A connection invite is not the right means to ask for favors. Nor should it boast about your accomplishments or number of connections.
- Tell them how to contact you for further information.
Sample LinkedIn Connection Requests
There are multiple ways to approach a new contact. Creating a personalized message will depend on who the person is and why you want them to join your network.
Whether it's a coworker, someone you met at an event, or someone new, personalized invitations can help to make a connection.
Here are some sample LinkedIn connection requests.
Connecting with A Colleague

Hi [First Name], I appreciated your contribution to the project we worked on in September. If you encounter any difficulties or need any help with the Next Project, feel free to contact me. See you in the office! Best, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I know we haven’t had the chance to work together, but I’ve heard great things about your skills and achievements. I hope we’ll get the chance to work together soon! Until then, hopefully, we can catch up on our coffee break. All the best, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], Although I still haven’t had a chance to work with you, I’ve heard a lot about your sales prowess and expertise. That latest deal you closed is impressive – particularly as the client is famous for being a tough cookie. It would be great if we could connect and cross paths, as I’d love to see you in action. It would be an honor to have an opportunity to pick up a few tricks from such an accomplished professional. Regards, [Your Name]
Connecting with A New Colleague
Hello [First Name], I'm looking forward to working with you. I believe our cooperation will make our department even more successful. Your experience with project management will definitely improve our team dynamic. Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance. Best, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I’m very excited to have the opportunity to join your team. I’m very much looking forward to working alongside such a dynamic, talented group of people. See you around the office soon, and hopefully, we can catch up! Best wishes, [Your name].
Dear [First Name], I’m so excited to join the product development department. The team’s innovation and commitment to always finding the best testing methodologies is one of the reasons I was so drawn to work at Jones Wheeler. Looking forward to contributing. Best, [Your Name]
Connecting with A Former Co-worker

Dear [First Name], It was such a pleasure working together at GX from 1999 to 2001. Your computer troubleshooting skills were the best in the office—can you imagine if we had to go back to working on those huge computers? If you have the chance, I’d love to catch up and learn more about what you’re doing in your new role at Microsoft. Best, [Your Name]
[Name], I wanted to thank you for your help with [task]. I appreciated [what they did] on [project or to-do]; I think you did a phenomenal job. I’m here if you need help. [Signature]
Dear [First Name], It was great working with you at XYZ back in 2001-2005. Your sales skills were impressive, and I still remember you as a great closer. If you are available these days, it would be great to catch up as I’d love to hear more about your new position. Best, [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone You Met at a Networking Event
Dear [First Name], It was great speaking to you at the Resume Worded Conference in NYC last week. I really enjoyed our conversation about your interest in architecture and how you got into product design. I'd definitely like to stay up-to-date on your career. Thank you, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], It was so great meeting you at the [event name]. Our conversation about [subject] really got me thinking more about it! I’d love to stay in touch and stay in the loop of what you’re up to. [Your Name]
Dear [First Name], I enjoyed our talk on Name of Event last week. I appreciated you sharing your opinion on contemporary marketing strategies, especially since you are an expert in the field. If you would like to continue the discussion, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone You Admire
Hey [First Name]! I came across a LinkedIn article you wrote on the fundamentals of product management. I really resonated with your thoughts on how data should be at the core of every product decision. I'm part of the product team at Resume Worded. I'd love to keep in touch and learn more about your work. [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I’m a long time follower of your work. I wanted to send a quick message to you about your [content]. I followed the advice you shared re: [advice], and I was able to achieve [results]! Thanks again, [Signature]
Hi [First Name], I’ve been following your content and I’m so impressed with all you’ve accomplished. I recently read/listened to an interview/watched a video of yours. I’d love to discover more about your work and support you! [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone Who Has Mutual Connections
Hi [First Name], I see that we’re both connected with [connection]. Both of us work for [organization] as [title]. He told me it was okay if I mentioned him in my invitation to connect with you. I believe we can help each other. Interested? [Signature]
Hi [First Name], My name is [your name] and I work for [company]. I notice that we have some mutual connections; [Mutual connection]? I have worked with them in the past. [Mutual connection] mentioned you might be a great fit for a [job role] opportunity that we have available in [location]. I’d like to arrange a call to tell you more. What time works best for you? Thanks, and looking forward to connecting with you. [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I noticed we’re both connected to Jim Clark, the CEO of 123 Packaging Inc. Jim and I collaborated on a project and he spoke highly of you. I’d love to add you to my professional network so we can support each other. Looking forward to connecting, [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone in A Mutual Group

Hi [First Name], I noticed your profile and wanted to reach out as I see we are both members of the Facebook group Dux-Soup Users. I guess we have growth in common. Love it! Let’s connect, [Your Name]
Hello [First Name], I saw that you’re a member of the Growth-Hacking Strategies group too. It would be great to connect with someone like-minded to see if there’s any room for collaboration. [Your Name]
Dear [First Name], Your post in Name of Group moved me to add you as it was very informative and insightful. If you are interested, I have a few thoughts on the subject I would like to discuss with you since I see you are a consummate professional in the field. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone Who Viewed Your Profile
Hey [First Name], Saw you clicked on my profile, awesome, is there anything specific you’re looking for? Nice to see that you work in {industry} too, I’ve actually written quite a bit on the topic. I’d love to send you some articles (or case-studies) if you’d be interested? Let me know! Cheers, [Your Name]
Dear [First Name], I noticed that you viewed my profile recently. I'm a strong believer in networking, so please let me know how I can be of service to you. Can I introduce you to anyone in my network? Here's an article I have just written/read that you might find interesting: (link to article). If you ever need any (description of service: temporary skilled or unskilled labor,) please let me know. [Your Name]
Connecting with Someone You Want to Work With
Hi [First Name], I’ve noticed your presence here on LinkedIn, and I’m so impressed by your work! I’d love to see if we can work together on (give context to the project or position). Would you be open to discussing it via a quick phone call or over coffee? Looking forward to possibly working with you! [Your Name]
Hello [First Name], I have been following your work with (lead’s company name) for some time and was really impressed to hear about (something recent and notable they’ve done). I’ve worked with companies like (lead’s company name) to bring similar projects to life, and if you’re open to it, I'd love to discuss this further. Are you available for a quick phone call later this week? Thank you! [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I’m a big fan of the work you’ve carried out for the xx agency. Your work is very interesting, and as my business uses similar strategies, I would love it if we could work together on my next project. If it’s something you’re interested in, you can get in touch with me at (email address). Looking forward to hearing from you, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I see you’re the new HR manager at Team Sports – congratulations! I’ve worked with your company on projects in the past and would love to connect with you. Feel free to reach out anytime! [Your Name]
Connecting with Somebody Whose Content You Found on LinkedIn

Hi [First Name], I recently stumbled upon your (LinkedIn article/post/video) about (topic), and I was blown away. I couldn’t agree more about your take on (topic) and knew I needed to try and reach out. I’d love to connect and keep up-to-date with your inspiring content. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Hi [First Name], I read your article: [title] on [employee happiness], and it really resonated with me. I thought your post on this topic was timely, inspiring, and very well written! I’d like to invite you to connect with me. [Signature]
Dear [First Name], I was searching on LinkedIn (Niche) experts to strategically grow my network and your profile came up. Even though we are not (friends/colleagues/etc.) I’d love to connect. If you feel you’ve received this message in error or simply don’t want to connect, please just ignore this message. Thank you, [Your Name]
Dear [First Name], I recently decided to strategically grow my network on LinkedIn. Looking at your profile I can see you would be a great connection. I'm hoping you're willing to accept? If you feel you've received this invitation in error or simply don't want to connect, please just ignore this invitation. [Your Name]
Final thoughts on sample linkedIn connection requests
Expanding your business network offers many advantages. Linking to other professionals can lead to new opportunities.
It can lead to participation in exciting projects and receiving attractive work proposals.
But before sending your next connection request, consider who the person is. Think too about the benefits of a future business relationship.
This will help to customize the invitation and choose the perfect request sample.
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